What is a kahui ako?
A Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako is a group of educators working in partnership with parents, whānau, communities, iwi and employers to support every child’s learning journey. Watch our video about how some of New Zealand’s educators are building positive relationships and breaking down barriers so that our tamariki benefit.
Piritahi Kahui Ako was the first kahui ako in NZ to be up and running. It began in 2015 as Blenheim 2BCos - two communities of schools operating as one in the Blenheim/Marlborough region. As it matured its name changed to Piritahi - Whiria nga tahi nga akonga - Weave Learners Together to better describe the purpose and work of the group of learners.
Purpose and Vision Our initial goal was simple - to bring together our 21 schools and 6 Kindergartens from operating independently (in some instances in isolation) to work as a collaborative, and create a wider vision for education in Marlborough - our school of 6000. Our ultimate goal was to raise achievement outcomes for all students in Marlborough through a success-focused learning pathway where high-quality collaborative teaching and leadership across the system are the key drivers.
Our Journey Piritahi is a story of the evolving success and progress of Aotearoa New Zealand’s first, longest-serving, and one of the largest kahui ako. It tells of how strengthening engagement in collaborative practices across learning institutions can really make a difference to leadership capability, teaching practices, and positive learning outcomes for our students when we all work as one.
The story is about the growing and strengthening of leadership in a context where no real authority exists only influence, but which flourishes on the strength of collective agreement, sound research and commitment to purpose. It is a story of growing the understanding of practice across the sectors - kindergarten, primary and secondary, and about exploring methodologies that create seamlessness from kindergarten to year 13. It is a story about how a strong influence on teaching practice can create excellence in the learning of all students, in particular our identified priority students.